Let It Rain

Perhaps you have heard some rendition of the quote, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” It’s a great quote, but when I have plans that the rain cancels out and then also have to “learn” how to dance in that “canceling-out-rain”, which for me is quite intimidating since I have no dance rhythm whatsoever (the robot excluded), and at the same time do this new thing in my personal rain storm, in which I have been mistaken as Noah, I think, for me, can be quite overwhelming to say the least.

The rain will come. The storms of life will come. This is true for everyone. To try and live as one who will be exempt from life’s rainstorms is ill advised. But perhaps there is a way, that the rain which comes into our lives can be better dealt with, and perhaps even enjoyed to a point of making you want to learn how to dance therein.

First of all, just accept the fact that the rain will fall. It will rain. This is something that lies outside of your control. To fight, wrestle, complain, gripe and to continue to throw a pity party about your life and circumstances is both useless and immature. Rain will fall and for many of you it won’t be very long. And no, I am not a weatherman and neither am I a fortuneteller. All of history says that eventually rain will fall and besides that, I have simply looked up and can see that the clouds are already gathering.

After accepting the fact of rain, maybe it would also help you if you knew that a life of all sunshine and no rain would soon become a desert. Your life would become dry, bland, and not as fruitful. In this truth I can say that like rain that falls into our lives and is beyond out of our control, without a doubt then, can still be things that we need. Maybe rain is out of our control because we don’t really know what we need and are unwilling of ourselves to do that which seems to ruin our plans and purposes. Yes, events that we would never intentionally bring into our own lives can have a deeper and even life giving purposes beyond at least our initial understanding. I don’t want rain, but I need rain. And for some reason I’m getting what I don’t want but sorely need. What a wonderful mystery, the rain of life? The very thing I feel as if I will die from I can’t live without.

Thirdly, since we know that the rain is going to come, let’s do more than buy a raincoat, rain boots, and an umbrella. Do these things but why stop there? Why not harness the power of the rain to not merely stay alive and not drown or get soaking wet? Why not plant seeds in expectation of great return? Why not take advantage of the rain and instead of cursing it when it comes, start planting seeds. Seeds are those ideas, thoughts and actions that can birth the new life of a better tomorrow. Then when the rain of life begins to fall, unlike others whose plans are brought to and ending, for you, it will be a new beginning. Instead of washing away your plans, the rain will be wetting your seeds, and therefore birthing new life.

Awwww! Now no one needs to teach me how to dance in the rain. Now I have no need for music. The sound of raindrops against my window pain and upon my roof play for me a melody that puts a tap in my feet, a song in my heart and a rhythm that makes me want to dance. Now I dance in the very thing in which others are drowning. No one can rain on my parade without at the same time watering my seeds.

So since the forecast calls for a 100% chance of rain over an extended period of time, plant a whole lot of seeds and expect a great harvest from such a down pour. I can dance in the rain because what I once feared I now know I need. I needed the storm. I don’t have to wait until the storm passes, I can dance right now. I can dance in my storm. Let it rain.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Kitbash Brand Design