Let’s Do This

Today is day number 187. We have 178 days left in this year. So, how’s it going? Where are you as far as reaching your goals? We are more than half way through the year. It’s time to look at your personal scoreboard to see how you are doing at this point in the game. Are you on course for where you want to be by the end of the year? Hopefully, you have even exceeded your goals. Either way, this is a good time for an honest checkup.

Did you look at the scoreboard or your scorecard to see where you are so far? Can you even find such a record of your goals? Did you write them down or type them in anywhere? If not, this is where we start today. Either pull them out or write them down. Fleshing your goals out and making them visible is an important first step in actually and seriously progressing in your personal life. Now honestly assess yourself. Are you closer to where you want to be in life? Are you happier? Are you healthier? Are you making the progress that you want? Study yourself. Study your progress, your habits, your emotions, etc. Study yourself. You want to know if what you are doing and who you are hanging with and how you are spending your time are getting you any closer to your goals.

If your life’s scoreboard or scorecard is showing that you are behind or nowhere close to where you want to be in life then you need to change something. And you need to change something today. No more of this waiting until the beginning of another year. No more of this New Year’s resolution baloney and balderdash. You need to start today moving towards your destiny. You need to start right now. Just as others have written it and just as I have stated before, either it’s going to be day one or one day. And one day needs to be taken off of your calendar. Today is the day one, that belongs to us.

And allow me to say something here. You may have set a goal. Remember also that someone else has set a goal. And their goal is to keep you from reaching your goal. Opposition should be expected. You may not be moving at the pace you would like to be moving. This is why you need to do a goal inventory checkup. Look at where you are now, make the necessary changes and keep traveling towards your dream and vision.

And don’t get discouraged because of any or all of the human roadblocks and obstacles that will be strewn along your path. Wherever you want to be in life or whoever you want to become in life is worth the struggle to achieve. I hope that you have set goals that both excite you and terrify you at the same time. You can do this. Keep trying. Keep struggling. Keep failing. Keep stumbling. How long you ask? Keep starting again until you stop stopping. Stop. Put it in reverse. Back it up. Read that statement again. That was good. Now realize, accept and own the fact that no one can stop you, but you! If you must fight your dragon everyday, then sharpen your sword every night. So that every morning your feet hit the floor, your weapon is already ready.

It has been said that fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be defeated. Defeat your dragons! Slay your dragon of blame! Slay your dragon of procrastination! Slay your dragon of not rich enough, not smart enough, not strong enough, not young enough, not cute enough! Slay your dragon of excuses! If you want to be smarter, read more and take a class. If you want to be healthier, change your diet and exercise. Whatever it is, start or start again today.

Ok, ok. You may want to pay me for this piece of information. Here it is. Are you ready? There is no set limit to how many times you get to start again. So you’ve tried a thousand times. What’s your point? If you are not happy with where you are then try again. You can try better this time by writing down your vision of where you want to be in life or what you want to be or have in life. Write down when you want to reach it, then begin filling in the steps to get there.

I’ve told you that it’s already Christmas. We are already beyond the half way mark for this year. Remember how you felt last year around Christmas time regarding your personal wellbeing. Remember how you felt at the beginning of the year. If you don’t remember and can’t remember it’s because you did not write it down. This year is coming to an end. Let’s finish strong, let's finish together. Let’s finish determined to do it or die trying. Fall in love with the journey. Keep at it until you begin to love what you hate, until pain becomes your motivation, until you embrace difficulty like a teddy bear, until you can kiss your demons, until being uncomfortable becomes your comfort zone and until quitting is no longer an option.

Let’s Do This.

And let’s do it together.