Honey, I’m Home

Maybe today isn’t a holiday, holy day, birthday or anniversary but today is still a gift. Imagine that. A gift given to you that’s not centered around you. A gift given to you that’s not a birthday gift. A gift given that has nothing to do with it being your anniversary. A gift given just because. Go figure. Today is your happy.

God has given you a happy called today. I like this because it’s so easy to think that your today is all about you. We are so quick to say that we are having a bad day. When in truth we might be having a bad moment or event in the day, but nothing is wrong with the day today. To think like this is to broaden your worldview. It helps you to see that the world, yes even the day, is bigger than yourself. The smallest package you will ever see is a person who is all wrapped up in himself.

You know you are wrapped up in yourself when the very weather itself is all about you and what you are going through. You heard me right, I said the weather is all about you. The wind, the rain, the heat, the cold, the temperature, the humidity, the barometric pressure is all about you. It’s so hot just to make you miserable. It’s raining just to ruin your day. Oh, how we need to get over ourselves. It must be quite deflating to find out that everything is not revolving around you. Say it with me, “It’s not about me.”

I’m sorry (not really) that today, all of today and everything that happens in it is not about you. Today is a gift that has been given to everyone. Before you send out an email of complaint about today, remember that someone else is sending up an email of praise. What turns out not to be so good for you, can turn out to be the best for someone else. Say it with me again, “It’s not about me.” The same sun, that sweetens the orange, sours the lemon. They both need and use the same sun. Just because your life is sour doesn’t mean that someone else’s life isn’t sweet, so don’t go injecting your bitterness into someone else’s honey.

Now which will it be, bitterness or honey. Which will you choose today - the honey or the bitterness? What will you focus on - the good or the bad, the positive or the negative? As for me, I’ve got my mind on my honey and my honey on my mind. Today is a gift. If you are now residing or visiting the place of bitterness, start moving and don’t stop until you get to a place of sweetness. You deserve it. Don’t stop until you can say, “Honey, I’m home.”