Do The Deed

Starting something new can be a little unsettling to say the least. Thoughts about everything that can go wrong flood my mind. All of the “what ifs” that are negative are trying to consume my mind so that they can shut down my plan. Darkness is always around to eclipse the light in my life.

The best thing for me to do is not to question the darkness but simply to keep walking in and towards the light of today. Do the deed and it will be done. Do what I dread or fear the most. Face my demon. Call out my lurking monsters. Today is day one.

By the time you read this, the deed will be done. I will be on the other side of fear, the other side of pain, indeed, the other side of uncertainty. No longer will I be straddling the fence of excuses and explanations. In just a little while the journey of a thousand miles will have begun with that just “one” step. That “one” step, which is that infamous “first” step that sets off a domino reaction, has been set in motion.

All it takes is one thing to be the detonator for everything else that’s to come your way. I start that one thing the moment I leave this post. A revolution has begun. Everything has changed. And it all started with just one thing. My supplement for you today is for you to do your “one” thing that can change everything. Do the deed.

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